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Your Name: __________________________ Writer of Paper: __________________________________

Get into groups of three. Exchange papers. At the top of your partner's paper, please write "Read by _______" and put your name in the blank. Read and mark the paper for strengths, weaknesses, errors, and areas that need clarification. Then answer the following questions:

1. Format: Please put a "yes" or "no" next to each item to indicate if the writer followed format.

Has page numbers with last name on every page The Margins are 1" top. bottom, left, right.
Use Times New Roman 12pt font The works cited page starts at the top of a new page.
Title is centered, properly capitalized, and NOT underlined, bolded, quoted, italicized or enlarged. Each item on the works cited page uses a hanging indent.
Information block has proper information and has only single-spaced blank lines between each item. Works cited entries are arranged alphabetically and NOT numbered.
Spacing above and below title is one single-spaced blank line only each. Works Cited Page has a page number.
There are no extra gaps between paragraphs. The Works Cited title is centered, properly capitalized, and NOT underlined, bolded, quoted, italicized or enlarged.

2. What is the subject of this paper? What specific interpretation is the author offering for the text or texts in the subject? Is there a clear thesis or only a clear subject?

3. . For each body paragraph, indicate the following in the margin of the body paragraph or in the paragraph itself:

  • The central topic of the paragraph.
  • The claim made in the paragraph.
  • The relationship between the paragraph's claim and the overall thesis of the paper.
  • The word or phrase that creates the transition at the start of the paragraph.
  • The major evidence of the paragraph
  • An evaluation of the analysis of the evidence: does the writer discuss each piece of evidence in the paragraph sufficiently?
  • Verifies that the end of each paragraph does not start the next paragraph.
  • Comments on any improvements that need to be made to the paragraph.

4.Verify that each quotation has a signal phrase, a quotation marked by quotation marks, a properly located and punctuated citation, and discussion. If a quote has all four parts, write "verified" next to it. If not, write "needs ___" and indicate what is missing from the quotation.

5. Write a paragraph-long note that outlines the major strengths of the paper and what changes should be made to the content and organization to improve it.


Site URL: http://www.halhalbert.com/classes/summer2012/eng211
Site designed and owned by Dr. Harold William Halbert
Site Created on AJanuary 18, 2012